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 Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009

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AM akin

Number of posts : 3667
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jan - 19:29

Here´s one more interview with our dear Albena heart2 . She gave it to EVA magazine in January 2009. Now it was published by / BLITZ and (in Bulgarian)
and here too: (in Bulgarian)

Please, can someone make a proper translation of this? poklon zvet
The online translator again has some lacks at important parts, and because I do not want to destroy the atmospere of this interview I therefore do not want to translate with translator here ...

Many thanks in advance zvet !

Last edited by Petra on Fri 30 Jan - 20:13; edited 2 times in total
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AM akin

Number of posts : 3667
Age : 54
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jan - 19:35

Part 1:

Албена Денкова: Срам ме е, но не съм виновна
BLITZ - 30 Януари 12:04
В началото на януари Бургаският апелативен съд измени присъдата на Максим Стависки от 2,5 години условна в ефективна и увеличи почти двойно размера на присъдените обезщетения за близките на пострадалите. Макар че адвокатите му обжалват, Максим и Албена са съсипани, защото таяха надежда, че той все пак няма да влезе в затвора. Година и половина след трагедията, която преобърна съдбата им, погреба кариерата им и разби душите им, Албена реши да наруши мълчанието и да разкаже пред списание “Ева“ защо избра да остане до Максим, да търпи с него всички негативи от постъпката му и да се учи да живее отново.

Как си Албена? Как се чувстваш година и половина след инцидента и след решението на Бургаския съд Максим да влезе в затвора?
Недобре. Искам всичко вече да приключи независимо как. Страшно е трудно да си в непрекъснато очакване толкова дълго време... От друга страна това е лична драма, която изживяваме аз и Максим, нашите семейства, семействата на пострадалите. Но вместо да се развива в личните ни животи, тя се оказа с голям обществен отзвук. Когато ти е тежко - поне ние сме така, не искаш да ангажираш останалите. Искам да си изживея проблема сама, да се справя или да не се справя с него и това да остане вътре в моето семейство и в моя кръг от близки приятели. Не искам да се говори публично за него и да се пише ежедневно. Това не ми помага.

Промени ли се Максим след инцидента?
Промени се. Помъдря, направи си доста равносметки... Този въпрос, обаче, е по-скоро към него, защото дори аз не знам какво му е точно.

А ти промени ли се?
Промених се и аз. Промени се погледът ми към всичко. И моето семейство се промени... Всичко се променя в такава ситуация. Аз съм потърпевша еднакво с Максим, въпреки че нищо не съм извършила. Не чувствам вина, но чувствам срам, неудобство, безпомощност. Много неща чувствам. Чувствала съм и гняв.
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AM akin

Number of posts : 3667
Age : 54
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Registration date : 2007-09-08

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jan - 19:37

Part 2:

Към него ли?
Може би моментно в началото, но като цяло приех случилото се и трябваше да мислим оттук нататък какво ще правим, как да помогнем, а после да се опитаме да се върнем към живота и ние по някакъв начин.

Имаше ли поне миг, в който да помислиш да се разделиш с Максим?
Такива мисли изобщо не са ми минавали. Не знам какво ще ми бъде в главата и на сърцето, когато всичко приключи, но към днешна дата никога не съм го виняла за това, че след толкова години труд и лишения, когато вече можехме да докоснем успеха, той се изплъзна между пръстите ни.

Това прощава ли се?
Не съм сърдита на Максим, за да му прощавам. Колкото и да е банално, това, което стана, може да се случи на всекиго. Затова сме двамата. Максим е бил до мен, когато съм била причина за нещо да не се случи в кариерата или в живота ни. Аз съм до него, когато той допусна грешка. Не съм с илюзията, че има безгрешни хора, нито че аз съм такава.

Примири ли се с варианта той да влезе в затвора?
Този вариант е доста актуален в момента, за съжаление. И да мисля, и да не мисля за него, нещата не зависят от мен, а от съда и от законите. Достатъчно ми е болезнена темата, за да разигравам сюжети. Не можем да върнем времето обратно, нито да променим това, което се случи. Единственото е да мисля с какво мога да помогна на Максим в тази тежка ситуация.
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AM akin

Number of posts : 3667
Age : 54
Residence : Germany
Registration date : 2007-09-08

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jan - 19:38

Part 3:

Парите за обезщетението се вдигнаха почти двойно от 260 на 390 хиляди лева. По силите ли ви е да се справите с такава сума?
Хората смятат, че като сме световни шампиони, имаме много пари. Сумата е огромна. В България от фигурно пързаляне не можеш да забогатееш независимо дали си световен шампион, или не. Приходите ни са относителни. Сега имаме работа в Москва за определен период от време в телевизионното предаване “Ледников период“, Максим работи допълнително и като треньор. Нямаме никакъв бизнес или странични доходи. Зад всичко, което имаме или бихме спечелили, стои здравето ни.

Максим наистина ли има връзка с актрисата, с която си партнира в шоуто?
На много от фигуристите понякога не им достига търпение в работата с партньорите им звезди, които са аматьори в нашия спорт. Това, че Максим е по-любезен и учтив с неговата партньорка, означава само, че умее да подходи с малко повече търпение. Напълно сме наясно, че като участваме в проект, който се дава всяка седмица по телевизията и има висок рейтинг, е естествено да има всякакъв вид реклама, включително и с по-жълти клюки, защото на хората им е интересно, без да се замислят дали е вярно. Много пъти съм се бунтувала вътре в себе си срещу това как медиите спекулират с някои факти около нас. Да ходя да обяснявам примерно дали е гадже с някого, това са глупости, не виждам смисъл. Но когато го прочетеш, е естествено да имаш някакъв бунт.

Въпросът у нас беше по-скоро, че са видели Максим да кара кола.
Колата я карам аз. Предоставена ни е от Ауди за целите на шоуто. Максим се е качвал един или два пъти, за да се придвижи в рамките на комплекса. Снимките бяха за жълто издание с цел създаване на интриги.

Мислила ли си да отидеш при психоаналитик?
И това е вариант. Факт е, че след такъв стрес има последствия. Въпросът е да намеря нещо, за което да се хвана и да ме накара да продължа напред. В момента това е работата.
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AM akin

Number of posts : 3667
Age : 54
Residence : Germany
Registration date : 2007-09-08

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jan - 19:39

Part 4:

Мислите ли с Максим за брак?
Ние сме заедно от толкова време. Един подпис не би променил абсолютно нищо. От друга страна не ни е до празненства. Така че - не, не мислим за брак.

Промени ли се отношение на света към вас след инцидента?
В кръга от хора, с които общувам - от фигурното пързаляне, руснаци, наши спортни фенове от различни страни, не се е променило. Разбират, че може на всеки да се случи.

Срещна ли у нас хора, които те гледат лошо?
Нито един. Повечето подхождат с разбиране, което е различно от съжалението, но ... по принцип съм доверчива и приемам всичко за чиста монета. Понякога може би дори съм наивна. След цялата тази ситуация мислех, че малко от малко ще се отърва от този мой недостатък, обаче май пък съм толкова наивана и доверчива, колкото преди. Макар че сега общувам, но не допускам повече хора до сърцето си. Изградила съм пред себе си стена.

Имаш ли усещането, че ви е останало малко достойнство?
Така мисля.

Ще имаш ли сили след присъдата на бургаския съд да останеш на поста председател на българската федерация по кънки? Ти подаде оставката си пред декември, но не я приеха.
Винаги съм се опитвала да бъда максимално отговорна към нещата, с които се занимавам и да отдавам необходимото време и внимание. Да, подадох оставка в края на декември, бях уведомила управителния съвет още през септември за моите намерения. Причините ми са изцяло лични. /БЛИЦ
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AM fan novice
AM fan novice

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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSat 31 Jan - 12:33

I've just read the Google translation, hoping to read soon a better translation Rolling Eyes ... our Albena is really a great woman... she is showing a great strenght..sometimes journalists try to embarass her with questions like "Have you ever thought of leaving Maxim?"... and everytime she knows the right way to answer...

Dear Albena you haven't right to feel ashamed!! Nor you, Maxim! we're HUMAN, we can make mistakes, and both of you are demonstrating a great sense of dignity and sorry ...
the greatest thing is that everytime I read an interview by our Albena, I think "what a great woman... she has no fault but she almost feel like this only because she wants to stay with her Maxim forever and ever!!!....
this is what we can call a real love!!! I hope with all my heart that this bad situation will end soon saaad
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AM akin

Number of posts : 3667
Age : 54
Residence : Germany
Registration date : 2007-09-08

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSat 31 Jan - 22:18

Little gift Wink from Iva76 zvet from Bulgarian forum zvet who bought the magazine, scanned it and uploaded it... :smile:
Many many thanks Iva zvet !!
Mmmmmh, Albena really looks great on the pics :dube: ...

But now I think that the whole interview is a little bit longer than the version we had :blink: ...

So, if someone is so kind to translate zvet it would be really great to have the translation of the whole interview here poklon ... :wink:

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 IMG_0001-2

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 IMG_0002

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 IMG_0003-1

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 IMG-1

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 IMG_0005

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 IMG_0006-1
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AM close friend
AM close friend

Number of posts : 1255
Age : 42
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Registration date : 2007-01-23

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSat 31 Jan - 22:25

sunny Thank you for posting the links and the photos ,Petra and of course Iva_76.It is not much different than the other two and i can understand why Albena is so cautious about giving any interviews.The same provocative questions .What more she can say.Just let them be.They and victim's families have enough on their plate to deal with .Media, nooo can't change them,somebody have to feed the crowd with sensations.

Sorry about this.Here is the translation

Title Page


Page 3


It is not exactly my fault ,but I feel shame, embarrassment, helplessness.

Text- by Mariana Antonova
Photos by Encho Naidenov and personal archive

In early January, a little after the Christmas and New Year‘s celebrations , Bourgas Appeal Court changed the sentence of Maxim Staviski from 2.5 years probationary to an effective and almost doubled the amount of compensation awarded to the victim’s relatives. Even though his attorneys appealed, Albena and Maxim are devastated ,because they hoped that at least he won’t go to prison. Many people here/Bulgaria/ and in Russia expected that after the accident the star couple will fall apart .There were rumors overspread in Moscow that Albena postponed their wedding for uncertain period of time and Maxim feeling a free man began another relationship. But the facts are showing something else: that on the ice and in all court sessions they are with each other and together they are facing the shame and the guilt of what happened in the summer of 2007.Year and a half after the tragedy that turned their destiny , bury their career and ruined their spirit, Albena decided to break the silence and to tell the magazine "Eve" why she chose to stay with Maxim, to suffer with the negatives of his actions and learned how to live again.

Last edited by viktoria on Sun 1 Feb - 6:23; edited 7 times in total
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AM close friend
AM close friend

Number of posts : 1255
Age : 42
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Registration date : 2007-01-23

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSat 31 Jan - 22:25

Page 4

Albena Denkova:

In early January Bourgas Appeal Court changed the sentence of Maxim Staviski from 2.5 years probationary to an effective and almost doubled the amount of compensation awarded to the victim’s relatives. Even though his attorneys appealed, Albena and Maxim are devastated ,because they hoped that at least he won’t go to prison. Year and a half after the tragedy that turned their destiny , bury their career and ruined their spirit, Albena decided to break the silence and to tell the magazine "Eve" why she chose to stay with Maxim, to suffer with the negatives of his actions and learned how to live again.

Q.-How are you, Albena? How do you feel a year and a half after the accident and the decision of the Bourgas court sending Maxim to the jail?

AD- Not very well. I just want everything to end already, no matter how. It is terribly difficult to be in constant expectation for so long ..On the other hand, this is a personal drama that we all are living in -I and Maxim, our families and victim’s families . Yet, instead to stay within our personal lives, this drama had a huge public resonance. When is hard for you - at least for us is like this , you don’t want to engage others. I want to experience this problem alone , to deal or not to deal with it and to stay within my family and my circle of closest friends. I do not want to discuss it or something to be written about it every day. This doesn’t help me.

Q-Did Maxim changed after the incident?

AD-He changed . He is wiser , reconsidered a lot of things ... However, this is a question for him , because even I don’t know how he feels exactly.

Q-How about you, did you changed?

AD- Yes, I also changed. My point of view on everything changed. And my family has changed ... Everything changes in situation like this . I endure everything as equally as Maxim, although I haven’t done anything. I don’t feel guilty, but I feel shame, embarrassment, helplessness. I feel many things. I felt anger.

Q- Towards him?

AD- Maybe for a moment at the beginning, but generally, I accepted what happened and we had to think what to do from now on , how we can help , and then to try to come back to life and continue to live somehow.

Q- Was there a moment, when you thought to break up with Maxim?

AD- I’ve never had those thoughts . I don't know what it will be in my head and heart when it ends, but I’ve never blamed him ,that after so many years of hard work and deprivation ,when we finally touched the success, everything slipped between our fingers.

Q- Is this forgivable?

AD-I'm not mad at Maxim to forgive him. It is a commonness, but what happened ,could happen to anybody. This is why we are still together. Maxim stayed with me when I was the reason for something to happen in our career or life. I am with him when he made a mistake. I don’t have the illusion that there are sinless people , i am not either .

Q- Did you reconcile with the option that he may go to prison?

AD-Unfortunately, this is quite topical at the moment, . It doesn‘t matter what I think or don‘t think, things do not depend on me, but on the court and the law. This subject is painful enough for me to play different scenarios. We can’t neither turn the time back nor to change what happened. The only thing I could think about is how I can help Maxim in this difficult situation.

Q- The money for the compensation were almost doubled from 260 to 390 thousand euro. Is it possible for you to deal with this amount?

AD-People think that since we are world champions, we have a lot of money. The amount is huge. In Bulgaria you can’t become rich from figure skating whether you are world champion or not. Our revenues are comparatively. Now we work in Moscow for a certain period of time in the television show "Ice Age". Maxim is working extra as a coach. We don’t have any business or income aside. Behind everything we have or we won, is our health.

Q-Is it true that Maxim was linked with his celebrity partner from the show?

AD- Many of figure skaters don’t have enough patience when they work with their partners-stars , who are amateurs in our sport. The fact that Maxim is a polite and courteous with his partner, means only that he approaches with a little more patience. We are fully aware that since we are participating in a project, that is aired each week on television and has a high rating, is natural to have any kind of advertising, including yellow gossips, because people are interested without thinking if it’s true or not . Many times I rebel inside against how the media speculates with some facts about us. I won’t even try to explain whether he has an affair with someone or not , this is bullshit, it is senseless. But when you read something like this , it is natural to rebel inside.

Q-The question in our country was rather that Maxim has seen to drive a car in Russia.

AD - I drive the car. It was given to us by Audi for the show. Maxim drove the car once or twice just to move it within the ice skating complex. The photos were made for yellow site in order to create intrigues.

Q-At the beginning of December you were at home because you were injured. Tell us , what happened?

AD -I torn my meniscus while I and my partner in “Ice Age” were exiting a lift.

Q- Tell us something more about your partner in the TV project.

AD-He is an actor who is participating in a comedy show. He sings very good and also have a desire to make a music career . I always get nice-looking, radiant and smiling partners. It is very nice, because with them is not so oppressive during the rehearsals - is not easy either way to teach a person, who never skated before, to make a complicated elements . Russian viewers liked very much Maxim’s team .He was voted king of “Ice Age”./I missed this voting probably/

I'm not mad at Maxim to forgive him. It is a commonness, but what happened ,could happen to anybody. This is why we are still together. Maxim stayed with me when I was the reason for something to happen in our career or life. I am with him when he made a mistake. I don’t have the illusion that there are sinless people , i am not either .

The audience liked our team also but we had to end our participation early because of my torn meniscus. It happens with sportsmen .One mistake can get you out of the game. As it happened with me and Maxim at the Olympic games in Turin. We made a mistake that was scored as a fall of both partners and we couldn’t get a medal . We thought to try again at the Olympics in Vancouver but the fate decided something else for us. So it is better to live with the present moment.

Q- But you are young and you have to live by making plans.

AD- Uh, no. The sport teaches you not to have long term plans but to work hard today and now. Moreover, the situation we fell into ,taught me that you can make any plans but is God who decides what will happen. I read books , where is written that before we come to the Earth we choose the ordeal we have to go through so we can learn our lessons. My pillar is Maxim, my family and my closest friends.

Q- You can’t hold forever all that pressure inside of you.

AD-I don’t think is right to bring this in front of someone who doesn’t even want to deepen and understand but try to make only a sensation .Be cause you can’t judged a person only by what you see. If one doesn’t demonstrate that he is suffering and how hard is for him it doesn’t mean he is without feelings. Some people take the drama in life more calmly, other in a harsh way, third are showing their feelings, forth are keeping it for themselves .I just capsulated myself.

Q- Have you thought to go to a shrink?

AD-This is a possibility. It is a fact that after such a stress there are consequences. The question is to find something to hold on something that will make me move forward. At the moment this is the work

Last edited by viktoria on Sun 1 Feb - 6:36; edited 3 times in total
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AM close friend
AM close friend

Number of posts : 1255
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Registration date : 2007-01-23

Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSun 1 Feb - 1:56

Page 5

Q-Do you consider to live in Russia after everything about the accident is finished?

AD- I have never been here /Bulgaria/ for a whole year because my job requires lots of traveling. Yet ,I have always considered Bulgaria and Sofia as my home .I haven’t change my opinion and I don’t intend to change it. Here are my family, my friends ,my acquaintances . When I have an arrangement in Russia or somewhere else ,it means that I will work there and then I will come back.

Q- Have you and Maxim thought about wedding?

AD- We are together for so long .One signature won’t change anything. On the other hand , as you can guess, we are not in a mood to celebrate. So-no, we don’t think about wedding.

Q-Have the attitude towards you changed after the accident?

AD- It didn’t change in the circle of people that I am communicating with- from figure skating, Russian’s and our sport fans from other countries .They understand that it could happen to anybody.

Q- In meaning of arrangements.

AD- Last year Maxim declined absolutely all offers. He wasn‘t in a condition to work. I also didn’t want to participate in the TV project but he had to force me so I won’t get insane at home. After the accident for a long period of time we couldn’t even go on the balcony. This year we started working because there is no other way.

Q-Did you met people who are looking at you with bad eyes?

AD-Not even one. Most people are approaching with understanding which is different from compassion but...In general, I am very trustful and I accept everything as a pure coin / meaning -as it is/ .Sometimes I am maybe a little naïve. After the accident I thought I will get rid of this weakness but obviously I am as naïve and trustful as before. Even though I communicate with people I don’t let anyone to my heart . I built a wall in front of me.

Q-Were you dissapointed by your friends?

AD-No ,no. Is just ,I don’t give a chance to any of my new acquaintances to become close with me. I have few friends in front of whom I can be sad, weak, and anything. I don’t know if I am going to overcome this soon and be able to communicate normally. The fate put me in a huge ordeal. Many times I asked myself why and for what reason. I don’t wish to anyone to experience this situation.

Q- Do you look for an answer?

AD- If I start to , I will probably end up in a psychiatric clinic. The sport taught me in hard times to mobilize myself and not to soften .Anyway I don’t think there is an answer to this question. This is why I am avoiding to ask myself .Yes, I have collapsed many times. The next day I put myself together , get up and continue ahead. It is not a matter of choice, you just must.

Q-You had an idea to build an ice skating rink in Sofia. Do you still have it?

AD-We’ve discussed this problem a lot with Vesela Lecheva/she is the head of the State Agency for Youth and Sport of Bulgaria./ , Boiko Borisov /the mayor of Sofia/ and the President .Our last visit was with the mayor and he is open to this initiative. I hope in the near future the desire will become reality.

Q- Is it going to be your private ice rink?

AD- It is very expensive and I can’t afford to have it only for myself. For me is more important that we are going to have one. It doesn’t matter whose property is it.To have a base to develop this sport. Because with the current conditions , the things are not going very well.

Last edited by viktoria on Sun 1 Feb - 6:42; edited 8 times in total
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSun 1 Feb - 1:57

Page 6

Q-Actually for you it was working because you were also investing your own money .

AD-Almost nobody knows what we went through in order to become World Champions. And doesn’t care. Everybody sees only the shiny part. But not the fact that you have to get up in 4 in a morning, that you don’t have a personal life, childhood , nothing for 25 years, that you are persuading a goal which you may not reach but just because you love the sport and you have an ambition to do something. The sacrifices are for us. I don’t regret because I wouldn’t develop the qualities the sport has built in me.

Q-Are those qualities helpful in your situation?

AD-Yes. I am trying , as much as I can , to save the little dignity we have left so we can go through the whole nightmare.

Q-Do you think that you have just a little dignity left?

AD-I think so.

Q- Why? It is not a secret that other famous Bulgarians experienced the same nightmare.

AD-Maybe because in their case the public resonance wasn’t this big. I don’t know…I really try to keep my dignity. Without murmuring, whining and weeping.

Q-In December when you came home with torn meniscus you ,as a President of BSF, started to prepare the Winter Sport Palace and orginazeevrything for JWC at the end of February . Weren’t we hosts for the same event last year? Isn’t it that each year it should be held in different countries?

AD- Yes, moreover the host usually is being chosen 3-4 years before the competition. But the country that was chosen for this year had some problems with the organization of the event. Because last year we did very well ,and also thanks to my personal contacts , ISU trusted us that we are going to prepare for another event in such a short period. It is a very nice appreciation of our work.

I am trying , as much as I can , to save the little dignity we have left so we can go through the whole nightmare.

Q-How you are going to manage since you are in Bulgaria only for a short time?

AD-In June, when I attended the congress of our International Federation in Monaco , I was very impressed with the organization work . The enormous international activity of competitions in figure skating/more then 50/ ,short-track, speed skating, and ssynchronized skating is done by only 10-12 people, who live in Chez Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Italy , Lozano. In the modern world people were working in distance for a long time. Sometimes I am on Skype, on the phone or e-mailing at 2-3 in the morning.

Q-Do you think you still will have the strength to continue after the sentence of the Bourgas court ? Are you going to continue with organizing JWC and will you stay as a President of BSF ? You signed your resignation in December but it was denied.

AD- I mobilized myself so we can be done with the preparation for the JWC.I have always tried to be extremely responsible about everything I am doing and to give the necessary time and attention. As for the Federation, yes , I resigned at the end of December, but noticed the Council in September about my intentions. The reasons are absolutely personal..

Last edited by viktoria on Sun 1 Feb - 6:49; edited 6 times in total
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AM in love
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSun 1 Feb - 3:13

Thank you ever soooooooooooo much, Viki.
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AM akin

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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSun 1 Feb - 3:36

Thanks a million for your hard translation work! Great job!!! Rose Rose
You really must have needed hours to do this translation! Many many thanks, Viki Rose Rose !!!

ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh

Albies words somehow make me sad a little bit saaad ... but what else should she say? She´s asked always the same sad questions... and always finds wise answers...
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AM close friend
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Number of posts : 1255
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSun 1 Feb - 4:28

sunny Sue,Petra, you are very welcome zvet .Sometimes the sentences in Bulgarian are build differently form the English sentences but i tryed to make the translation as close as i could and i hope that is at least understandable . Embarassed

I know what you mean Petra.I just want to send her a big hug.
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AM fan novice
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeSun 1 Feb - 17:19

dear Viki, thank you for this great translation ohhhh
I absolutely understand your feelings...these are sad words...but what else could she say??
we really hope all this will end soon... saaad
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AM in love
AM in love

Number of posts : 127
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009   Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009 Icon_minitimeTue 3 Feb - 4:27

Viki, you are highly skilled in your translations to English. Thank you so much. And Petra is the most connected and intuitive researcher I've ever seen anywhere. It's like the old saying, "The nose knows." Many thanks to you, Petra.

I can't help thinking of the evolution of thought in learning about Albena as a star athlete and Ice Dancer. From, "She is the most beautiful and graceful athlete I've ever seen," to, "How intelligent and wise she is!" and now, "She has the straightest and strongest backbone of any person I've ever seen." I would not want to pick a fight with Albena Denkova because, through her intelligence and wisdom, she would win, hands down.

Albena's dignity is very much intact, and she does not need to think for even a second that it isn't. She just needs to follow what her brain tells her to do because it is operating at WARP speed, taking in information and telling her what is best to do. Yep! She's smarter than most human beings anywhere on the planet. And I'm guessing that Maxim knows this better than anyone.
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Interview with Albena in EVA magazine, 30.01.2009
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